The operator of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in the injury or death of a person or damage to a vehicle that is driven or by a person shall give the operator's name and address, the registration number of the vehicle the operator was driving, and the name of the operator's motor vehicle liability insurer to any person injured or the operator or occupant of or person attending a vehicle involved in the collision and a drivers license number.
If a person involved in the collision is injured ,call 911 and arrange for an abulance to take the injured party to a hospital for medical treatment, if it is apparent medical treatment is necessary.
Insist on a police investigation of the event. Far too many people have no drivers license, are driving someone else's vehicle, will give false information or will try to talk their way around calling the police. If an individual involved in the collision wil provide you with the information to which you are entitled tell the operator when you call 911 that person is attempting to avoid his/her responsibility with respect to these matters and insist that a policeman come to the scene.
Always jot down the license plate number of the other vehicle and if you have a cell phone with the ability to take photographs. Take as many as possible of the damage to both vehicles and of the other drivers, but do not get into a fuss with them. Wait for the police.
If there are any witnesses who stop or some to the scene, try to get their name, address and a phone number. It may come in handly down the line.
Above all be cool as possible.